Friday, June 27, 2008

Sharepoint DataFormWebPart as Dropdownlist

This requirement is funny as we want to build a custom form which is easily maintainable and which is flexible for future changes.
Current client has no resources to maintain the webparts or build a new one so he is totally dependant of The (Gruesome) Buggiest SOftware in the market.
Ladies and gentleman may i present MOSS Designer.

Now how do i build dropdown which values has to be populated form a list located in different site and that too has to be filtered according to the paramater passed as selectedvalue of another dropdownlist as postback.

Simple ... The only powerful control in sharepoint designer is DataFormWebpart. Man you can design , capture , gather any information from any sitecollection located in the portal with this webpart, that too without writing a code.

So i used it to add the iterate the records and populate to my dropdown with the help of a powerful version on spdatasource . No wonder you have to work on the formating inside the XSL tags.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

posting a sample would be helpful. using dataform with dropdownlist binded is very much appreacited.